Sea Side Fashions

Promenade Sea Beach Costume, September 1809

"A Grecian frock of fine French cambric or jaconet muslin, with corresponding border at the feet, in shaded purple embroidery; Roman back and front of the same....

Sea Coast Promenade Dress, October 1809

"A bonnet composed of yellow satin and lace, richly embossed with leopard spots in deep orange; the front in the tiara form, bound with green figured ribband...

Sea-Side Walking Dress, September 1810

"A gown of white French cambric, or pale pink muslin, with long sleeves, and antique cuffs of thin white muslin, trimmed with Mechlin edging; made high in the neck, without a collar, and formed in points at the center of the bosom, with three rows of letting-in lace;...

Promenade or Sea-Beach Costume, October 1810

"A Grecian wrap gown, with high Armenian collar, bordered with treble rows of narrow muslin, or with three rows of appliquéd beading. An Egyptian tunic of pink or lilac shot sarsnet, ornamented up the front with silk cord buttons;...

Sea-Side Bathing Dress, August 1814

"High dress of rich Indian or Parisian chintz, made in a form peculiarly novel and elegant; it is trimmed with chintz bordering to correspond, or a rich silk trimming...

Sea-Side Morning Dress and Bathing Preserver, September 1814

"High dress of jaconet muslin, the body closely gaged, and each gaging finished by a very small bobbin. Long sleeve, full at the top and plain at the wrist, which is finished by a narrow lace....

Sea Side Bathing Dress, August 1815

"This very elegant dress is composed of the newly introduced Berlin silk. It is made in the form of a pelisse, and is so contrived that the stays, petticoat, and pelisse are all put on in a few moments....

Sea Side Walking Dress, October 1819

"A bright blue satin spencer, with full puffings on the shoulders, and confined with pipings of white satin...


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